About Zack Umstead
Zack Umstead is an honors high school student entering a busy sophomore year, but has still somehow found time to write and publish two stories. Shifter, the first in a young adult scifi novelette series, was published in June of 2011, and Entanglement, a quantum physics young adult novella, in April 2012. What little free time he has left, he’s spent earning his senior black belt in Kenpo Karate. Work is currently underway for the next in the Shifter series.
Zack I love the site and you are inspiring me to continue writing.~
Hope you have a 10 day like I did. Finished Three Highland Lads @ 113,650 Wd, Finished my FIRST Short story Hands Of God 2200 Wd. Both in the Near Space Empire series (One Fathers [HoG] and the other Sons)
Then I did 5 concecutive interviews in 5 business days.
Then I Crashed!!!!
Fait Lux.
Ed Buchan