Monday One-Word Writing: Monkfish
This week’s Monday blog post is about a rather unusual word. I went to a random word generator and got, well, the word monkfish. I had no idea what a monkfish is (in case you don’t know either, click here). After a bit of reading about the monkfish, I came up with this. Please, enjoy! […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
My parents are scrambling making mounds of food in the kitchen below, I chopped probably three pounds of vegetables, and I can currently smell a large fowl roasting in an oven. That all means one thing – today’s Thanksgiving! So happy Turkey Day (or Tofurkey Day) to those of you celebrating. I hope you see […]
Monday One Word Writing: Ventilating
For my Monday morning blog posts, I believe I’ve come up with a great idea. I’m calling it One Word Writing – basically, I take one word and try to make an entire short story out of it. This week, since it’s the first week, I used a random word generator to come up with […]
Just a Quick Announcement…
I am currently writing this post from my school (which, thank God, has finally repealed some of the dumber webfilters). As part of my Creative Writing class, we will be writing our free writing on our blogs on Mondays from now on. As many of you know, I prefer to write fiction over anything, so […]
Business Card Fiction
This year, one of the classes I’ve been taking is Creative Writing. Sounds like a ton of fun, right? Well, it does to me, but so far, we haven’t done a heck of a lot of writing in Creative Writing, and what we have done is mostly nonfiction. But we are now finally beginning to write fiction, […]